Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Plaster experiment

The aim of this experiment is to test the feasibility of mixing pigments into plaster. Before experiment, some research has been done and acrylic was proofed to be well mixed.
I firstly mixed the acrylic with water, and then I poured plaster in. 
This was working well, the colour is smoothly blended into the plaster.
After the mixture was blended evenly, I tried to add more colour into the mixture, but this time the out come was not very satisfying. Large particles can be seen in the mixture.

Some other notes on casting:

1.Ratio of water and plaster: Initially I followed the instruction 1.5 water :2 plaster. But it seemed to be too think. As I still wanted to adjust the colour tone, I added a little bit more water. The final outcome is to be updated when the plaster is dry.

2.The amount of pigment should be very large, otherwise the plaster would be very pale.

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